Wednesday, December 7, 2011

The next 8(ish) months...

Can the "American Dream" be achieved in a matter of months? Everyone's view of the "American Dream" differs. My thought process is satisfied with marriage, family, children, career and a home. So back to the initial question. Can my view of the American Dream be achieved up to the day of delivery?

Let's break this down:
Marriage - Married an amazing woman who happens to be the best RN on the planet
Family - Greatest parents and in-laws a guy could ask for.
Children - Our first child is on the way.
Career - Both Amanda and I will have settled nicely in to our respective careers
Home - ......Well our apartment is nice. But it fails to qualify in my current scenario of the American Dream. Plus we are throwing money down the drain.

The home is the only part we have to work on. As Amanda and I continue on with our daily lives and as the pregnancy clock ticks away, we realize that we do not want to be in this apartment when our baby is born.  Solution? You guessed it, we are going to buy a house! An outsider might think we are NUTS for trying to buy a house during all the madness of pregnancy. Maybe we are nuts, but it is going to happen! I am going to pledge that I will take as much of the stress of this on myself because the last thing we need is Amanda to be stricken to bed rest with preeclampsia (already learning some of the terms.) That's the plan and I am certain that nothing is going to be able to stop us from grasping our share of the American Dream.

Since we do not know exact due date yet, we'll count down to our next ultrasound appointment. Hopefully we will get our due date and hear a little heartbeat!!!!

Countdown until ultrasound appointment: 5 DAYS

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